About US

Law Firm highly specialised in Corporate Criminal Law that boasts several successful national and international case histories.

The Zanotti Law Firm, founded in Bologna in 1973, operates in all areas of criminal law, with particular specialisation in corporate criminal law.
The Firm took part in several processes of national and international importance, becoming a point of reference in the criminal law not only in Bologna.

The Firm guarantees the perfect synthesis between scientific study and judicial and extrajudicial activities.

The brilliant successes achieved in the past fifty years of activity in the courtrooms, come together with an accurate and highly specialized advisory service for natural and legal persons in all fields of the criminal and bankruptcy law. The Firm also offers assistance in the preparation, adoption, implementation and updating of organizational models for companies in multiple sectors and in auditing sessions on the policies and procedures referred to
to Decree 231/01.

In carrying out its business, the Firm employs the most accredited specialist consultants in the various sectors of reference.

The Firm operates throughout the national territory and its consolidated experience of collaboration with well-known foreign law firms guarantees the best assistance also to international customers.

The criminal lawyers of the Zanotti Law Firm have gained experience by managing the following cases:

  • Consultancy of various clients in multiple sectors with regard to Legislative Decree 231/01 in order to guarantee the protection of individual business areas;
  • Assistance in the preparation, adoption, implementation and updating of organizational models for companies in multiple sectors and in auditing sessions on policies and procedures pursuant to Decree 231/01;
  • Defense of numerous companies and their leaders accused of violating occupational safety regulations and involuntary manslaughter;
  • Defense of the directors of numerous companies accused of bribing public officials;
  • Defense of top management and officials of banks accused of agiotage and obstructing the Bank of Italy’s supervisory duties;
  • Representation and defense of some companies and their corporate executives in cases of international corruption, violations of antitrust law and tax fraud;
  • Representation and defense of public officials, lawyers and accountants in cases of fraud, abusive practice of the profession, malpractice, false accounting;
  • Representation and defense of public and private officials in cases of corruption, money laundering and export controls.


Avv. Eleonora Ciliberti

Avvocato penalista con specializzazione in diritto penale commerciale, reati contro la pubblica amministrazione e l’amministrazione della giustizia, reati fallimentari, reati tributari, infortuni sul lavoro, reati ambientali ed edilizi-urbanistici, responsabilità da reato delle società.

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Carola Santoro

Lara Tina
